What makes
TheDatingReport.com worth the money.
First of all its not a lot of money. Second it validates members
Does private information ever get exposed or transferred?
No and no.
Does this get away from what works in marketing online dating?
Sure selling frilly fun and lotsa blue sky is good. the Dating Report can be a part of that!
Why don't I just download the five power points and do it in-house?
First its soooo cheap to let us do it and second housing cra data makes you, well, a
Isn't this the same snafu that trapped DoubleClick when the acquired Abacus (ie
matching online data with real world data)?
No. and your users give consent that you request in the user terms section. Existing members need a special addendum to sign off on.
Are FTC Regulations difficult and are your violations our violations?!
You can also run searches for violations. We've had ZERO. The parent company that invested in us. for the past 15 years: zero.
Officially, we're responsible.
What type of experience do you have with pro-consumer privacy issues?
President, Larry Chiang's congressional testimony on Privacy